Monday, August 3, 2009

Prosecutor Misconduct. Will there be accountability?

Finally! Someone has made of movie of the madness enveloping our nation's legal system. Sean Penn has made a movie titled Witch Hunt which chronicles the activities of prosecutor misconduct in Kern County, California. One only has to watch the trailer to understand the chilling career of an opportunist prosecutor who abuses the law at every turn.

It doesn't require any imagination to see Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas playing the lead role in such a film. This movie clearly portrays the future of yet more Arizonians as Andrew Thomas abuses Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, using the citizens who elected him as the nails he needs to build himself a political resume.

Cherry picking from a list of charges to prevent the accused from having a 12-person jury, ignoring pleas from victims and family members to dismiss the charges, and pursuing his agenda of abusive prosecutions, Andrew Thomas is a one-man wrecking machine. Sending 9 people a day to prison is breaking the the back of the state's budget and has created a movement in the state legislature to turn Arizona into a prison state by selling the entire prison system to for-profit prisons. The same for-profit prisons that have become notorious for moving prisoners to other states as it suits their business needs in pursuit of shareholder profits.

Those in Arizona who slip under the radar of a prison sentence still have their careers ruined and lives damaged. Accidental Felons describes the fates of other Maricopa County residents who spend years in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's notorious POW camp, known as the Alcatraz of Arizona. People innocent of the crimes which they are charged who accept trial by prosecutor as their only fate in a world where guilty until proven otherwise is the norm.

Few people realize just how easy it is to wake up for work one morning and come home a felon. Turning ordinary people into violent felons is what Andrew Thomas does best, but people are beginning to learn the truth. They are beginning to see that the most dangerous predators living among them are those same people they elected to public office.

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